Our Process

Our Process

Our Process

A strategy tailored solely to you at Sinclair Upton Capital Management

In the same way that hand tailored clothes are fitted to the wearer, the Sinclair Upton Capital Management investment process begins by taking the full measurements of the individual. To do this accurately, we need to get to know you both as an individual and as an investor. We want to understand your aspirations for the future, your previous investment experiences, and your tolerance for risk. Once we are satisfied with our understanding of you as an investor and a person, we will develop a uniquely structured approach based on you and the ambitions you communicated to us.

The entire investment plan we bring together for you will be founded on our financial evaluation of these elements:

  • Your investment risk tolerance
  • Establishing realistic investment time horizons
  • Identifying the resources on hand
  • Reviewing current investments

At Sinclair Upton Capital Management, we will continuously oversee your holdings and review progress with you regularly. As your objectives, needs, or market circumstances alter, we will reassess our strategy and make changes that take these new circumstances into account. This ongoing analysis forms the basis for the distribution of your investment assets.

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